Should You Worry About Mold and Your Persian Rugs? What You Need to Know?

Discover essential rug cleaning tips to prevent mold damage in Persian rugs on our Artisan Rug Care blog. Learn how to properly care for your Persian rug and keep it mold-free with expert advice and practical solutions.

Proper Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Does mold affect Persian and Oriental rugs?

The short answer is yes, it does.  The absorbent qualities of wool means that water and moisture can easily make their way into your Persian rugs.  As a result, minor accidents in your household can be what starts mold growth in your Persian rug.  A plumbing leak, an air conditioning leak , or a potted plant sitting a too close to your rug can be the catalyst for mold growth.  As the mold spreads, its destructive power also become greater.  Soon, there will be rotting on the foundation of your rug, and eventually in surrounding areas, such as your flooring, walls, and furniture.

Dirty Rugs need Cleaning service

Health warning!

Mold not only destroys rugs, it can also cause illness.  If you have found mold in your house, don’t worry about your rug or any other items in your house,  please take care of your own health!  The best course of action is to hire a professional residential mold remediation expert and find out the full extent of your mold problem ASAP.   You should be aware that certain individuals are more sensitive to mold than others.  Symptoms of mold illness vary from mild feelings of malaise, to full blown allergic reactions that cause severe respiratory malfunction and require immediate emergency treatment.

Can a rug affected by mold be saved?

First take care of the underlying cause of the mold in your home.  Then focus on caring for your rugs.  Fortunately if mold is detected early on your rug will be able to be saved.  Mold spores will find their way into the fibers of your rug and the first step is to sanitize and disinfect the textile.  This will be highly difficult to do by your self.  We recommend that you bring your Persian rug to Artisan Rug Care so that we can use a special bacterial enzyme wash to ensure that all mold spores have been killed.  We also sun dry the sanitized rug so that natural ultraviolet light further prevents new mold spores from forming.  Finally we will fully inspect your rug for damage caused by the mold and provide you with an estimate from our master weaver for the repairs required. Even in the case of massive mold damage we can help!  Call us today at (469) 387-6777 for assistance.

Should you worry about mold and your Persian rugs?

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